Wednesday 1 December 2010

Travel Group Meeting

Hello Baby,
Today I had a very busy day.

First I went to work and had tutorias. Then went running to Bancaja to take out 2680 euros to de a transfer in BBVA to china women services to pay the White Swan Hotel etc. Waited in queue in BBVA to be told no you cannot do a cash transfer so back to Bancaja to queue again and do the transfer. Then flying into the centre of town to meet our travel group in Piao and collect our papers in the adoption board.
The meeting was to give us all our dossiers and explain a bit about adoption day etc.

I then went back to work and then to the paediatrician to get prescriptions for everything that you or your brother could catch.

Then to the chemist to buy all.
We will pack this weekend.
In 9 days we go and in 12 days I will have you for ever.
Love you millions,
Abig big kiss from your mammy baby girl,