Sunday 29 August 2010

More red tape.

Well this is just a quick update to try and keep this blog on track.
I believe wholeheartedly that my Father who died in 1994 is looking down on us , guiding us and more than anything protecting us. Well as we have to pass another inspection in front of the adoption board on 23rd. September as our documents in china are more than 3 years old. There is a document called penales in spain in ireland called certificate of character or conduct which I need to present but when we did the paperwork in 2007 it wasnt asked for. The spanish one I walked into an office and 2 minutes later I had it. The spanish authorities told me to contact the irish embassy to get the other one which I did. They said no contact local irish garda station. Which I did. No, they told me contact vetting office in thurles . Which I did and they told me I can only have an access to garda records cert. They told me how to download it pay for it and send it. I had to send it to my mother who forwarded it only for it to be returned as they wouldnt accept the 6 euro cash. She had to inclose a personal cheque. Which she did and sent it off. All this happened last week. Well something in my head last wednesday night while sleeping told me to question this again. I have also phoned the embassy office in alicante 3 times to get them to send me passport application which they havent so on thursday morning I decioded to phone the head office in madrid. I ordered the application forms again and asked about the other form again. WHAT I WAS TOLD WAS WRONG. I do in fact order the certificate in my local police station. I rang mam again she had to go and get the application form , inclose a copy of my driving licence and I emailed her a letter asking for them to process it quickly as it usually takes 3 weeks but we have this hearing on the 23rd. and it still has to be translated .
Mammy is now gone on a weeks holidays and I am waiting for the cert. to be sent to robs mothers asap. WILL IT BE HERE ON TIME. I dont know.  Now I am very nervous that none of the papers are going to arrive on time.
Meanwhile I keep up to date daily on blogs etc.

Thursday 19 August 2010


Not flesh of my flesh
Nor bone of my bone,
But still miraculously my own.
Never forget for a single minute,
You didn't grow under my heart,
But in it.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Chinas Lost Girls.

We have just watched this episode of exploring the world and it made me really upset to think my baby is waiting out there somewhere. It addressed the issue of visiting the foster mum or orphanage a couple of days after the GOTCHA day. It seemed to cause upset on all parts, foster parents, child and new mum. Don't know if this is very beneficial or not.
Really really fed up waiting now. As it is august i n spain everything is on a go slow. We finished our report on 3 August but it will not be reviewed until after the holidays in September they told me. I apply 2 weeks ago for passport application forms and was told when I phoned today as they had not arrived that it is August and that will be why I dont have them. REALLY FRUSTRATING. Well the shared list came out last night but I cannot access the files yet.
I phoned the agency matching coordinator yesterday but she can do  nothing until she has the report in  front of her. I asked if I can do anything while I wait and she said the only things she will ask for are 3 normal size photos on white backgrounds from the waist up. One of my DH one of me and one of the 3 of us. They have to be emailed to her and she sends them with the LOI to the CCAA.
So I will try to get these done tomorrow and passport photos of Aaron also.
I need to change my passport for a digital one to enter china and Aaron needs his own one as he is on mine still.
Well the NSN line was also matched to May 15 2006. 5 WHOLE DAYS.
Well with that incompetence feeling in my stomach I am going to bed. I need to knoe if it's going to be a boy or girl, the age and sn. But apart from all that I need to see their face. Kisses sweet baby for
Take care,

Monday 16 August 2010


LID for NSN 4/11/2008.
Decision to change to SN June 2010
Finished psychosocial report 3/8/2010
Waiting for waiting child or pasaje verde approval from Conselleria de Bienestar social.

The Red Thread

There is an old Chinese proverb which states that a baby is connected at birth to the important people in his/her life and that thread can be twisted or stretched but never broken.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Boy or Girl ...............

Well we had our meeting with the psychologist and social worker and handed in our list of sn. They we happy with that and will renovate our paperwork as soon as possible and send it to the Generalitat.
Well, I couldn't stop there so I phoned our agency to ask what happens next.
I spoke to the sn coordinator who explained in more detail the procedure. The Generalitat has to review the report and see if we need to update other paperwork which wont happen until the first week of September......
Then the report will be sent to this coordinator called Cristina. She is in charge of matching a family with a child. She says she has to respect the childs age and sn listed but can not respect sex......therefore as she explained to me there is a very high probability that it will be a baby BOY.....
She saying 1.  the shared list for USA is not the same as the one for europe
                 2. We cannot access this list on the internet.
                 3. We cannot pick children to review.
                 4. She says with the broad spectrum of sn that we have listed we shouldn't have to wait long. She will look at our report and match the next child with that need and 0/3 years. The list at the moment has alot more boys than girls. So maybe Aaron is going to get that little brother he wanted after all. Cristina quite rightly explained if you are pregnant you don't get to choose.
Well as I am anxious to get my baby now I cannot sit back and do nothing until September so I decided to send off to Ireland for my police check incase they do update documents in september I'll have everything ready. I also sent off for new passport forms for me and Aaron as you need a new digital passport to get into China and Ireland doesn't let you put children on your passport anymore.
So although this blog was started as our journey to Norah I am going to change it to our journey to china.
Take care,